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Compact Lens Shade with Andi Lucas - Chief of Operations - Dinkum Systems

March 01, 2017

The COMPACT™ lens shade is a professional “french flag” for DSLR’s and small video cameras. Securing to the hot-shoe bracket, the multi-directional 10 link, 7.5” / 19cm long ball-and-socket arm holds the sturdy 5-inch wide aluminum shade securely and precisely to protect from lens flare, dust, and drizzle. Fast set-up and ease of use make this an essential item to add to the kit of every serious photographer or videographer, saving time and money by eliminating the need for hoods specific to every lens. 

Hi, my name’s Andy Lucas, I’m the co-owner of a company called Dinkum Systems; which you can’t tell from my accent, but is actually a business based in Colorado, in Boulder, Colorado.


We are sold through Michael’s, and so, I’m here just to talk really quickly about one of our products: The very snazzy, very low-tech, very functional compact lens shade.

Basically, this little guy is just designed for DSLR and small video cameras; it’s got a modular hose arm, so very, very micro-adjustable; you can get that shade into whatever position you need it to be.


The shade itself is made out of powder-coated aluminium because we’re in Australia - or aluminium as my American friends like to call it. [Says “aluminium” in the Australian/English way, and in the American way]

It connects very simply, and with a one-handed motion – just with a nice simple thread - sliding onto the hot shoe, on your camera, and then just tightens down - again single-handed operation.

Very much designed for your run-and-gun filmmaker who wants something lights in their kit, that’s going to work with all of their hot shoe cameras; gives good weather protection; as a lot of stopping flare.


We do sometimes have people ask why they would use the compact lens shade instead of a hood; this gives definitely better flare protection than a hood; it also gives weather protection - if you’re doing timelapse, you’re not quite sure what the conditions, or where the sun’s going to hit the lens as it moves.

So, basically, it’s a little multifunctional tool; it’s called the compact lens shade, and it’s available at Michael’s.